Kölcsey Centre, Debrecen, Hungary
23-25 May 2024


Kölcsey Centre, Debrecen, Hungary
23-25 May 2024

  1. Advanced drug delivery for chronic diseases
  2. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
  3. Challenges and Solutions in Biosimilar Product Development
  4. Challenges we face: being a hospital pharmacist in the XXI century
  5. Clinical Pharmacy, Digital Health, Pharmacoepidemiology and Precision Medicine
  6. Innovation in Pharma Industry in Larger and Smaller Companies
  7. Natural Products in the Medicine and Recent Progresses in Natural Products and Medicinal Plant Research
  8. Novel carriers for novel drugs 
  9. Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
  10. QbD & PAT in Manufacturing
  11. Radiopharmaceuticals legislation and production
  12. Recent Progresses in Drug Formulation and Development of Dosage Forms
  13. Recent Progresses in Pharmaceutical Technology
  14. Recent Progresses in Pharmacological Research
  15. Regulation of medicines in both disciplines – human and veterinary medicine: Significance, concerns, common grounds
  16. Richter Symposium
  17. Roundtable: Actualities in the Field of Medical and Drug Devices – Regulatory and Scientific Point of View
  18. Symposium of pharmacogenomics (EPRIN) network
  19. Hospital Pharmacists’ Satellite Symposium (3 sections, in Hungarian)
  20. PhD student Competition

The congress is accredited for 6 credits/day for hungarian pharmacists.


The Scientific Committee invites colleagues to submit as many abstracts as possible.
There will be both oral and poster presentations at the congress. When submitting your abstract, please indicate which type of presentation you would prefer. Depending on the submitted abstracts and the topics, the Scientific Committee will decide whether the presentation will be accepted as an oral or as a poster presentation.
When submitting your abstract, please also indicate your first and second preference in terms of topic.

Deadline for submitting abstracts of oral/poster presentations: Poster submission deadline is postponed to April 18, 2024.

Confirmation of the acceptance of abstracts: 20 March 2024

Submission of poster abstracts >>>

(The online abstract submission system will operate between 19 December and 18 April 2024)

Max wordcount of abstract 500

If you have any questions about abstract submission, please contact the email address below:


E-posters can be prepared by any presentation editing (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote) or graphical (e.g. CorelDraw, Adobe PhotoShop) application that can save or export to PDF file.

Please use the following settings for the best performance:

  1. Poster size: Width: 72 cm (28.35″); Height: 128 cm (50.5″)
  1. For better readability san-serif fonts(e.g. Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, Lucida, Verdana) with a minimum of 24 point size should be used. Figures, tables and graphs should be as large as possible.
    There is an option of incorporating short videos in your poster. For this purpose use MS PowerPoint, embed your video, set the video to start immediately and repeat infinitely.
  1. For best compatibility save or exportyour poster as a PDF file (Use save or export option instead of print to PDF to avoid presenting white printer margins in the PDF file). PPT files are also accepted but might not presents identically on the e-poster screen due to compatibility issues. Inserting figures, graphs and tables as images rather than in their native file format is suggested in this case. Use the following file name system: cespt-’surename (family name) of the presenting author’-’firstname of the presenting author’-’numbering as 1, 2, 3…if you present more posters’ e.g. cespt-smith-john-1. In case of presenting videos in your poster name the video files similarly as your poster and add –video-’numbering’g. cespt-smith-john-1-video-1. In this case provide the original PPT file and the video files instead of PDF file.
  1. Poster files should be sent by e-mail to the Conference Office ( until 13 May 2024.
  2. Duration of poster presentations: 2-3 minutes, followed by a short discussion.



– Actualities in Hospital Pharmacy

– Actualities in Regulatory Sciences

– Actualities in the Field of Medical and Drug Devices – Regulatory and Scientific Point of View

– Advanced therapy medicinal products

– Biological Barriers and The Importance of Transporters in Drug Delivery

– Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry

– Clinical Pharmacy and Digital Health

– Clinical Pharmacy: AMR & AB stewardship

– Current Challenges in Drug Manufacturing

– Emerging Technologies for Drug Delivery Systems

– Natural Products in The Medicine

– Novelties in Cyclodextrin Research and Applications

– One Health Concept in Pharmaceutical Sciences

– Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis

– Pharmacoepidemiology

– Precision Medicine – Development and Application

Radiopharmaceuticals; legislation and production

– Quality-by-Design and Process Analytical Technology

– Real-Time Data in Healthcare

– Recent Progresses in Drug Formulation and Development of Dosage Forms

– Recent Progresses in Nanotechnology

– Recent Progresses in Natural Products and Medicinal Plant Research

– Recent Progresses in Pharmaceutical Technology

– Recent Progresses in Pharmacological Research

– Recent Progresses in Research, Development and Analysis of Biological Drugs


A kórházi gyógyszerellátás (beszerzés)  globális és egyedi irányai

Klinikai gyógyszervizsgálatok: mi, hogyan változott a GCP irányelvben

– Innovatív terápiák:  onkológiai és ritka betegségek kezelésének újabb lehetőségei


The Chemical Probes Portal and EUFEPS invite you to the 2nd Probe Hackathon on May, 23 2024 as part of the EUFEPS annual meeting

Work with experts to review chemical probes in a race to find the best and worst compounds for use in biological research.

Are you a PhD student, post-doc or second year Masters student? Join the race to find the best and worst chemical tools for a specific target protein.

  • Work with experts from industry and academia
  • Rate chemical tools
  • Help improve global science

What to expect

  • An introduction to chemical probes and the Chemical Probes Portal
  • Discussions with experts from academia and industry about the quality of compounds used in biomedical research
  • An opportunity to contribute to the Chemical Probes Portal and improve the quality of biomedical research using protein inhibitors/chemical probes
  • Networking with experts from academia and industry

Work in a group of students with an expert reviewer to evaluate and rate protein inhibitors and other chemical probes.

Each student will have a chance to prepare and present one compound for discussion and review by the group.

These reviews will be added to the Portal to help researchers choose the best compounds for their research.

Why join?

  • Contribute to improving scientific research
  • Network with experts from academia and industry as well as local PhD students
  • Earn a place on the Portal Wall of Fame and a Certificate of Attendance
  • Learn how to critically evaluate inhibitors 

Still have questions?

Please get in touch with any questions or issues:

Terms and Conditions

  • Please note participants have to cover their own travel expenses.
  • Results generated during the Chemical Probes Hackathon will be published anonymously on the Chemical Probes Portal.
  • We will only use your personal data to contact you about the event. All personal data will be deleted within one month, unless you request to remain in contact with the Portal.

The Chemical Probes Portal is a free, public resource to provide expert information for specific chemical probes and how to use them. The Portal currently features more than 600 compounds, which have been reviewed by experts. The Portal aims to have each probe compound reviewed by at least three experts. To speed up the addition of new proteins, probes and reviews to the Portal has started to run Probe Hackathons, one-day events, bringing together experts from academia and industry along with students and early career researchers to rate and review chemical probes. Thus, Probe Hackathons are a training ground for the next generation of researchers, educating them on how to critically evaluate a compound for its utility in basic and applied research, while increasing the number of evaluated compounds for the wider community.  

Registration for the 2nd Probe Hackathon will open in April 2024, further details will be sent to registered participants via a newsletter.


Co-Chairs of the congress

Prof. Éva Szökő

President of the Hungarian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences

Prof. Maria Blanco-Prieto

President of EUFEPS

Secretary General
Tamás Tábi
Semmelweis University, Budapest 


Prof. Judit Hohmann

Prof. Anna Birna Almarsdóttir
Prof. István Antal
Prof. Ildikó Bácskay
Prof. Erem Bilensoy
Prof. Anikó Borbás
Prof. Lajos Botz
Prof. Nevin Celebi
Prof. Ildikó Csóka
Dr. Elisa Garbayo
Prof. Marcos Garcia-Fuentes
Dr. István Greiner
Prof. György Miklós Keserű
Prof. Hubert Leufkens
Prof. György Marosi
Prof. Jukka Rantanen
Prof. Jarkko Rautio
Prof. Ivo Schmerold
Prof. Fabio Sonvico
Prof. Gyöngyvér Soós
Prof. Dieter Steinhilber
Prof. Jesse Swen
Dr. Tamás Tábi
Dr. Sofia Trantza
Prof. Miklós Vecsernyés
Prof. Romána Zelkó
Prof. István Zupkó

Prof. Dezső Csupor

Dr. Tünde Ambrus
Dr. Attila Bódis
Dr. Gabriella Bodó
Dr. Zakariás El Koulali
Dr. Pálma Siposné-Fehér
Dr. Anett Gilinger
Dr. Sandra Häberle
Dr. Ilona Higyisán
Dr. Hedvig Juhász
Dr. Kristóf Kovács
Dr. Erzsébet Háznagyné-Radnai
Dr. Géza Regdon ifj.
Dr. Gerda Szakonyi
Prof. Zsolt Szakonyi
Dr. Attila Szűcs
Dr. Réka Viola
Prof. Gábor Vasas


Event organizer office:

(Organisational issues, registration, accommodation)

Club Service Ltd.
42. Kossuth Street 
4024 Debrecen, Hungary
